Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Documentation

Documentation Accompanying UROC Resolution

Oppose Candidacy of Reagan”


Reagan claims his conservative speeches made during 50's

and 60's for General Electric represent his political sentiments since 1950. (“Where's the Rest of Me?” 1965, p. 302)

Reagan claimed he fought communism, while he headed the Screen Actor's Guild collaborating with Jimmy Roosevelt and Dore Schary, National Anti-Defamation League chairman, (“Biographical Dictionary of the Left,” Vol. II. p. 535-66; “Where's the Rest of Me?” p. 166-67)


  1. Raised money for HELEN GAHAGAN DOUGLAS in 1950, (San Francisco Examiner, 6/21/65)

  2. Leader of UWF, UNITED WORLD FEDERALISTS, with Alan Cranston in 1959 and was member for 13 years. (UWF-affiliate Letterhead, 5/25/59; “Here's the Rest of Him,” introduction; Radio Verite, 5/8/70

  3. Charter member of ADA, Americans for Democratic Action, “Here's the Rest of Him,” Introduction.

  4. Member of National Advisory Council of AVC, American Veterans Committee, 1958, which was previously listed by Calif. Senate Committee on UnAmerican Activities: “reports indicate it is under communist influence.” AVC leftist activities continued in 1963. (Calif. Senate Commmittee on UnAmerican Activities Reports, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951; San Francisco Chronicle 1/24/62' AVC letterhead 4/18/58)


  1. His Campaign Book, “Where's the Rest of Me,” Published in 1965, was coauthored with Richard G. Hubler, former Assistant Editor of “Cavalcade,” Rockefeller Center News, Assoc. Ed. Newsweek & PM. (Contemporary Authors, 6/65)

  2. PHILLIP BATTAGLIA was names Reagan's State Cmpaign Chairman, a Kuchel-Rockefeller liberal. (Oakland Tribure, 11/27/66; Campaign News Release, 8/17/66)

  3. LEONARD FIRESTONE, named Co-Chairman Campaign Executive Committee, former Rockefeller Delegate. (Campaign Newsletter, 8/17/66; Sacramento Union)

  4. CASPER WEINBERGER in vital campaign steering committee, a Rockefeller booster and co-founder of California Republican League with other Rockefeller leaders. (San Francisco Examiner, 7/24/66; California statesman, 3/65; Montrose Ledger, 2/8/68)

  5. GEORGE MILLIAS was Campaign Vice Chairman, former Rockefeller Delegate. (San Francisco Examiner, 7/24/66; Sacramento Union)

  6. JUSTIN DART and MARCO HELLMAN, founders of the California Republican Council with Rockefeller leaders, and JOHN McCONE, Council on Foreign Relations member, were appointed to State Campaign Executive Committee, and Rockefeller men ARCH MONSON and CHARLES DUCCOMMUN were appointed Campaign Vice Chairmen, (Campaign Newsletter, 8/17/66; California Statesman, 3/65; “Here's the Rest of Him,” p. 98; Council on Foreign Relations Report, 8/31/74)

  7. Assemblyman ROBERT T. MONAGAN and Senator JOHN F. McCARTHY were made Legislative Advisors. McCarthy was Rockefeller Delegate, and Monagan was member of liberal California Republican League with Rockefeller leaders. (San Francisco Examiner, 7/24/66; Sacramento Union, 3/17/650

  8. MRS. THURMOND CLARK and JACK WARNER, major Rockefeller backers, were early pre-primary Reagan supporters. (Evans and Novak, Herald Examiner)

  9. Composition of Reagan's Campaign: After publicly opposing those who had opposed Goldwater, Reagan's selection of Rockefeller, Christopher, Kuchel and Scranton supporters to run his campaign far outnumbered Goldwater backers and members of conservative organizations. (Oakland Tribune, 11/11/64; San Francisco Examiner 7/24/66)


  1. CASPER WEINBERGER appointed “Advisor to the Governor;” appointed as very important Director of Finance and Chairman of Calif. Commission on Governmental Reorganization. Weinberger is Rockefeller booster, co-founder of Calif. Republican League and Calif. Republican Council with Rockefeller leaders. (Montrose Ledger, 12/15/64, 12/15/66. 2/15/66, 2/8/68; Calif. Statesman, 3/65; San Francisco Chronicle, 12/20/66); Weinberger promoter of Regional Government. (Schmitz Newsletter, 2/2/68); Weinberger vowed to eliminate conservative influence in the Republicans Party. (Dan Smoot, 11/26/62)

  2. PETER WEINBERGER, brother of Casper W., appointed Director of Employment, and HERBERT M. WILSON, Democrat, as Deputy Director of Employment. (Calif. Dept. of Employment Newsletter)

  3. PHILLIP BATTAGLIA a Kuchel-Rockefeller man, appointed Reagan's Executive Secretary. (Sacramento Union, Oakland Tribune, 11/27/66)

  4. SEN. VERNON STURGEON, founder with Rockefeller leaders of Calif. Republican Council, and considered one of the most liberal Republicans in Senate, was appointed Reagan's Senate Liaison. (Oakland Tribune, 11/27/66; California Statesman, 3/65)

  5. ROBERT T. MONAGAN, member of Rockefeller leaders of Calif. Republican League, supported for Assembly Minority Leader. (Sacramento Union, 3/17/65; Oakland Tribune, 11/27/66)

  6. JUDGE THOMAS W. CALDECOTT, a former Warren-pledged Delegate, named as Reagan's Legislative consultant. (Los Angeles Times, 2/8/68)

  7. SPENCER WILLIAMS, with the same campaign officers as Kuchel, a Rockefeller man, was appointed to head new Dept. of Human Resources. (Campaign Letterheads, Capitol Report, 2/14/68)

  8. HOUSTON FLOURNOY, founder with Rockefeller leaders of Calif. Republican Council, described as 'lined up strictly with hardened liberals' in “Here's the Rest of Him,” was appointed Reagan's Tax Reform Advisor. (California Statesman, 3/65). Former Rockefeller delegate (Sec. Of State delegate list).

  9. LOUIS WARSHAW, husband of liberal Democrat official Carmen Warshaw, was appointed to Appointment Steering Committee. (“Here's the Rest of Him,” p. 89)

  10. DAVID HUBBARD, JOHN FORD, DONN MOOMAW, advocates of liberal direction in education, appointed to the State Board of Education. (See documentation of “educational programs” following)

  11. DONALD WRIGHT, appointed Chief justice of California Supreme Court in 1970 under whom the Death Penalty was held unconstitutional, and the Anti-forced Busing Initiative (overwhelmingly passed by voters in Calif.) was blocked; and the devastating Serrano v. Priest decision, declaring the local property tax to finance schools as unconstitutional (because unequal) set in motion a drive towards statewide property tax, a destruction of local control of schools and a dangerous precedent for centralization of other local governmental functions. (6 C 3rd, 628) (5 C 3rd, 584)

  12. WILLIAM McCOLL was appointed to State College Board of Trustees, knowing McColl intended to use post to launch campaign to unseat conservative Congressman John Rousselot. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 3/23/71)

  13. THOMAS McCANDLESS, a conservative was nominated for State Board of Education but Reagan quickly withdraw his name when there was a small “sprinkling of protest.” (San Mateo Times, 2/26/67. 2/9/67)

  14. REAGAN WORKING WITH WRONG CROWD,” says GOP legislators. (Montrose Ledger, 12/15/66)



  1. PRAISED NIXON'S REVENUE SHARING: Reagan had “unstinting praise” for President Nixon's revenue sharing program. (Pasadena Star News, 1/25/72; Myrna Oliver, L.A. Herald-Examiner)

  1. PRAISED NIXON'S FOREIGN POLICY. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 5/13/72; L.A. Times, 1/27/74)

  2. DEFENDED NIXON'S TRIP TO RED CHINA. (Pasadena Star News, 10/3071; Letter from Gov. Reagan, 8/24/71; Myra Oliver, L. A. Herald-Examiner; Oregon News Post, 8/2/71)

  3. BACKED NIXON'S SUPPORT OF TROOPS FROM TAIWAN. Reagan strongly endorsed Nixon's agreement to ultimately withdraw all U. S. forces from Taiwan. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 3/16/71)

  4. ENDORSED WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS FROM TAIWAN. Reagan strongly endorsed Nixon's agreement to ultimately withdraw all U. S. forces from Taiwan. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 3/16/71)

  5. INFLATION: Listed “curbing inflation” as one of Nixon's achievements. (Pasadena Star News, 1/25/71)

  6. SUPPORTED NIXON FOR REELECTION in spite of his admitted Keynesian economics, proposal of a socialist guaranteed annual wage, continued disarmament and SALT talks, continued “No-Win War” policy, detente with Red China admission to U. N., promotion of the sovereignty-destroying Genocide Treaty, and appointment of Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State and Special Advisor to the President on National Security. He expressed ardent support for Nixon. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 8/17/72)

  7. PRAISED NIXON IN EXACT SAME LANGUAGE AS ROCKEFELLER. “For his wisdom and capacity and courage to act anew.” (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 5/13/72)

  8. ASHBROOK CALLED REAGAN SUPPORT FOR NIXON POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY and said Reagan used a double standard in judging Nixon and the Democrats, as four years before he had “hit the roof” over Johnson's $10 billion deficit but then was silent over Nixon's $40 billion deficit. (Alameda Times Star 4/25/72?

  9. SUPPORTED WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS. (Myrna Oliver, L.A. Herald-Examiner)

  10. PRAISED KISSINGER: Reagan said it would be a “disaster to the nation” if Kissinger carried out his threat to resign. (Berghoiz, L.A. L.A. Times, 6/74)


  1. DOROTHY CHAPEL, conservative running for deceased husband's Assembly seat. People around Reagan rooted for opponent BEVERLY. (Oakland Tribune, 4/21/67)

  2. JOE SHELL, Reagan had promised to support conservative Joe Shell for Governor in 1966. (San Francisco News, 5/18/65). Then Reagan pushed to run himself to stop “hard conservative” Shell, and signs pointed increasingly to Rockefeller in the wings along with Rockefeller's campaign manager. (Closer Up, 5/21/65)

  3. MAX RAFFERTY. In the race for U.S. Senate between Rafferty and Kuchel, a non aggression pact between Reagan and Kuchel stopped flow of big money to Rafferty Campaign. (Daily Oklahoman, Evans and Novak, 5/30/68) Reagan passed word to key financial backers to stay out of the primary, and they did. (Wall Street Journal, 10/5/66).

  4. CONG. JOHN ROUSSELOT, conservative, Reagan appointed William McColl to State College Board of Trustees knowing that McColl wanted to use it to launch a campaign to run against conservative Rousselot. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 3/23/71)

  5. JOHN ASHBROOK versus Nixon. Reagan stoutly defended Nixon, his socialist domestic policies and abandonment of anti-communist foreign policy against Ashbrook's justified criticism, and Reagan led Calif. Convention Delegation for Nixon. (See “Supported Nixon” documentation)

  6. STATE SEN. H.L. (ILL0 RICHARDSON, conservative, versus Alan Cranston (D) for U.S. Senate. That there had been a deal made with Cranston to run a weak Republican opposition, or an inadequately financed one, was rumored after a Reagan-Cranston meeting, (L.A. Times, 12/29/73); Reagan chided the John Birch Society for printing expose article linking Cranston with communist activity, (L.A. Times, 6/26/74)

  7. ASSEMBLYMAN FLOYD WAKEFIELD, conservative, defeated in hard fought race for his re-election by Bruce Nestande, from Reagan's office, (Orange County Election Ballot lists Nestande as Aide to Governor.)


  1. Reagan promised fiscal responsibility and 10% cut in operating costs of government. (San Francisco Chronicle, 1/13/67)

  2. HOUSTON FLOURNOY, founder of liberal California Republican Council with Rockefeller leaders, was appointed to chart the TAX REFORM MOVEMENT, was made chairman of Advisory Commission on Tax Reform. (L.A. Times, 5/6/68 and 6/13/68)

  3. DOUBLED THE BUDGET: State Budget grew from $4.6 billion in 1966 to $10.2 billion in 1974-75 (L.A. Times, 9/29/74, Source: Department of Finance)

  4. SALES TAX INCREASED: (Sen. H. L. (Bill) Richardson Report, 1/22/73)

  5. SPENDING AT FASTER RATE THAN DEMOCRAT BROWN, Sen. John Schmitz charged. (L.A. Times, 2/13/68)

  6. PRACTICALLY ALL TAXES ROSE UNDER REAGAN: Middle bracket personal Income Taxes rose: Inheritance and Gift Taxes rose; Use Tax rose; Corporate Taxes rose, and Cigarette Tax rose. (Guide Book to California Taxes by Russell Bock, 1967 and 1975 editions)

  7. REAGAN'S INITIATIVE LIMITING TAX REVENUES PERMITTED INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER PAYMENTS, (the ballot proposition did not pass) would have opened the door to Federal Revenue Sharing and Federal control, while only limiting State revenues. (So. Calif. Pro America Analysis)


  1. Candidate Reagan proclaimed: “Government is best when it is closest to the people.” (L.A. Times, 11/5/66)

  2. After election, Gov. Reagan called for “streamlining” local government by MERGING CITIES AND COUNTIES and to review the entire existing governmental structure in California, saying: “California shouldn't be saddled with a horse and buggy system of local government.” (Palo Alto Times, 1/13/72; L.A. Times, 11/16/72)

  3. REAGAN: A MEMBER OF NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMISSION ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS: ITS OFFICIAL BROCHURE, bearing Reagan's name, urges consolidation of local governments, cooperation of states in consolidation or dissolving local units through comprehensive development of national urbanization planning (policy), with the states' policy complimenting the national policy and with state authority over zoning, building codes, licensing and funding of elementary and secondary education. (GPO 902-553). Reagan, 1 of 26 members, was appointed to replace Rockefeller. (Pasadena Star news, 1/25/71)

  4. Reagan appointed the California Council on Intergovernmental Relations to hold hearings around the state on reform of local governmental structure. (Local Gov't Reform Press Release, 2/7/73; Santa Ana Register, 5/20/73).


  6. SUPPORTED STATE CONSTITUTION REVISION, calling it modernizing the Constitution, but which permitted delegation of state taxing power to non-governmental agency (ground work for regional govt.) and urged the Legislature to authorize his subsequent reorganization centralization of the executive branch of government. (L.A. Times, 1/3/67; “Here's the Rest of Him,” p. 81)

  7. AMERICAN ASSEMBLY, interlocked with Council on Foreign Relations, called upon state legislatures to “be willing to authorize participation in intergovernmental and regional programs;” called for constitutional revisions to remove restraints on powers of legislatures and pushed for 'modernization' of state constitutions. (Impact in the news – Special Report) (The American Assembly's main thrust in U. N. World Government. It promotes State constitutional revisions which permit the “regional” entities. The words “modernization” and 'streamlining” are used to mask this transformation from government by local elected officials to rule by regional appointees.


  1. APPOINTED LIBERALS TO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Dr. John Ford, instrumental in getting sex education in schools, (Pro America So. Calif. Chapter, School Affairs Report, Feb. 1975). Dr. David Hubbard, the Senate Republican Caucus asked Reagan to withdraw the nomination, (Pasadena Star News, 6/1/72). Rev. Donn Moonaw: headed a state advisory committee which drew up guidelines for 'moral' instruction in California schools. The result, “Guidelines for the Eduction of Responsible Citizens in the Schools of California,” was adopted Jan. 8, 1970 and is a nonreligious, humanistic, document which shifts 'morality' from traditional principles of morality, truth, justice and patriotism to concern for environment, social change and duties of citizenship. When conservative Board member Clay Mitchel resigned, he said; “The Board has become a rubber stamp for policy loaded with progressive socialism...The philosophy of the Board has radically changed since 1970 as new appointments have been made...Educational sociology replaces educational excellence as a goal.” (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 1/15/74).

  2. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: Reagan signed SB 1302 (1972) a program with $65+million plans to send children 3 years and 9 months to classes, to be phased in over 5 years, to restructure teaching methods in all schools serving K-3 children in time, aimed at EACH child, (ECE “Policies” St. Bd of Ed, 1/73, p.4&7; ECE, Dept. of Ed, 2/73).”Reagan backs Riles' Plan for Early Childhood Schooling...The program calls for radically redesigned schooling for addition to medical, health and social services would be provided.” (L.A. Times, 7/14/72).

  3. PRESCHOOL AND CHILD CENTERS: Reagan signed AB 99 (1972) pertaining to the state operation of Federally funded preschool child centers. Also signed AB 250 (1972) allowing preschool and kindergarten to be combined in public schools, Head Start, compensatory preschool program, SB 702 (1971) signed by Reagan approving $1,000,000 appropriate. In his 6/24/69 “Sacramento Report” State Sen. John Schmitz wrote: “The would-be educational totalitarians have already turned many of our schools into boiling cauldrons of crisis and strife. We dare not let them extend their turmoil into lives of two- and three-year-old children utterly defenseless against it.”

  4. SEX EDUCATION: Reagan signed AB 359 (1972) permitting schools to contract with private agencies to provide instruction in venereal disease. Signed AB 71 (1972) allowing details of venereal disease education in public schools with parental consent.

  5. PRIVATE SCHOOLS: Reagan signed AB 2265 (1971) enacting provisions for state regulation of private schools of postsecondary, secondary level and below.

  6. FLOURIDE TREATMENT FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN: Reagan approved SB 1396 (1971) whereby admission to schools would involve proof of child's use of some flouride treatment of teeth.

  7. RACIAL IMBALANCE:” Reagan signed AB 724 (1971) empowering the State Dept. of Education to write guidelines on racial balance for schools districts and to enforce them, contrary to the 1964 Civil Rights Act which prohibits factors of race as criteria for attendance areas, etc.

  8. PLANNING, PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING SYSTEM (PPBS): During the Reagan Administration, PPBS was established in the school system. AB 61 (1971) authorized pilot study of PPBS; ACR 198 (1970) created the Joint Committee on Educational Goals and Evaluation; AB 2800 (1971) and SB 1526 (1971) set up the essential PPBS subsystems to facilitate federal funding and centralized control of state schools' goals, evaluation and management of all school programs and people; AB 293 (1971), the Stull Bill, provided for teacher evaluation; the State Board of Education approved “Program Budgeting” in a new California School Accounting Manual (Phase 1 of PPBS), and Reagan signed AB 1207 (1973) giving the manual legal mandate in districts. PPBS implementation in eduction (and in other govt. functions) was given considerable impetus by Reagan, who “strongly expressed” the intent of his administration to activate PPBS, a management tool of political change through funding. (PPBS Pilot Projects Report, Geo. Washington Univ., p. 14).


PROPERTY RIGHTS were deceased by many land use, general plan, redevelopment laws signed such as AB 591 (1972), SB 1173 (1972), SB 1239 (1972); Reagan urged State coastal authority over coastal property (L.A. Her-Exam. 8/4/71).

As candidate promised support for repeal of the Calif. Forced Housing Law (Rumford Act); after election, he vowed veto of Rumford repeal and opposition to initiative to repeal it. (L.A. Times, 4/3/68, 4/4/68; Schmitz Press Release, 4/3/68).

INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING: Reagan's absolute promise to oppose state withholding income tax, saying “my feet are in cement against withholding,” was reversed.




    which seriously curtails right of citizen to defend himself; the law bans a loaded gun from any public street or highway unless proof of 'imminent danger' of attack. (Here's the Rest of Him.” p. 60,61).

MEDICINE: SIGNED A MEDICAL BILL that “could contain biggest step towards socialized medicine in history of California.” (Oakland Tribune, 4/21/67).

MENTAL HEALTH: SUPPORTED REVOLUTIONARY MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM in Calif. (Oakland Tribune, 4/11/67). Signed AB 47 (1973) removing right to refuse lobotomy “for good cause” if a person is involuntarily detained in a mental health facility.

WELFARE REFORM: In calling for “welfare reform or face more taxes,” Reagan proposed creation of a CCC_WPA type public work force, using welfare recipients on new public projects (L.A. Her-Exam, 12/8/70). To battle his old enemy – the welfare bureaucracy, Reagan proposed removing aged, blind and disabled from welfare rolls and treating them as “pensioners.” (L.A. Times, 1/14/71).


  1. IMPLEMENTD PROGRAMS TO EMPTY PRISONS AND CLOSE THEM DOWN, while calling for law and order and protection of the law abiding, (State Sen. H. L. Bill Richardson Report, 2/73).

  2. STARTED CONVICT 72-HOUR FURLOUGH PROGRAM (1968), (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 10/28/71). L.A. Police hief Edward Davis charges “Reagan's administration has increased danger to policemen,” through furlough program.


    (a) 90% of convicted felons in L.A. County don't go to prison. “We don't have a crime wave, we have a wave of veteran criminals.” (LAPD Chief Edw. Davis, open letter to Reagan, 12/14/71).

    (b) The highest number of parolees in history are wreaking murder, havoc and mayhem in California. (State Sen. H. L. Bill Richardson Report, 2/73).


  4. PROMITED CENTRALIZATION, CONSILIDATION AND STANDARDIZATION OF CALIFORNIA'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, thus decreasing local control in accordance with Federal recommendations. Reagan recommended in “Controlling Crime in California” and “Project Safer California” the consolidation of local police departments, centralization of State's law enforcement system with national guard under the Governor in a State Public Safety Agency, mandatory standards for local and private police; state inspections and local compliance before release of grant funds. Recommendations of LEAA National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards. (Controlling Crime in Calif.; Project Safer Calif.; Woman Constitutionalist, 3/8/75).

LABOR: OPPOSED RIGHT TO WORK LAWS in 1958 and 1965, (San Francisco Chronicle, 5/2/65). Victor Riesel Tells labor, “HE'S (Reagan) BASCIALLY A LIBERAL...Labor is looking forward to working with him.” (Oakland Tribune, 12/20/66).

ABORTION: Reagan vowed support for Beilenson Abortion Bill. (S.F. Chronicle, 6/14/67).

CONSUMERISM: Urged creation of first state consumer affairs dept. in nation (Speech; 1/6/70).

OEO: Saved Office of Economic Opportunity in Calif. When Legislature reduced appropriation to $100 by donating $100,000 from own office funds. (L.A. Herald-Examiner, 8/4/71).